Personal account creation and login to casino Драгон мани for playing with real bets

To play with real winnings visitors of web resources go through the registration procedure. Establishing a personal account permitted only visitors of legal age. The procedure as a rule takes about a minute. Register permitted on official platforms and mirror sites Dragon money. After that to log in to your account from time to time needed to log in. This is the common entry procedure authorization data in a small window.

Algorithm registration

Profile creation is available on virtual portals on various gadgets. Often gamers are offered 3 options of registration: with utilization e-mail, cell phone, or an account on social networks. In the first two cases must enter password to login to the personal account and check contact data. When creating a profile via social networks, customers click on the emblem and permit combining data on two pages. Then the personal account formed automatically.

In certain establishments additionally cabinet registration in one click is available. It is generated after clicking on specific option without providing personal information.

Create an account visitors are able to only one-time. For duplicate accounts in gambling establishments, a blocking with collection of money on created multi-accounts is provided for|is in effect|is imposed|is introduced.

How to log in to your personal account

Players of online platform dragonmoney log in to their account arbitrarily – every time you open a page. If your login is reset, should to log in again. This is a standard procedure that includes indication credentials. Often visitors must write down in the authorization form password and contact linked to the personal account. Then login to account is performed in automatic mode.

Visitors, who registered with the involvement of social networks, log in to the office must in the same way. Enter rest ways should not, otherwise it will be counted re-creation of the account.

Significant benefits of creation and login to profile

Logging in to your personal profile, visitors have the opportunity feel all the privileges of games in an online casino:

  • place bets to receive real payouts;
  • connect and play off accrued incentives for demonstration of activity;
  • win big in tournament competitions and lotteries;
  • to receive benefits according to the level achieved in the loyalty program;
  • take part in the process of drawing cash prize.

Therefore, after creating a profile/logging into your personal account, players become full members of a virtual platform. They are provided access to the provided functions of the site and unlimited opportunities to earn a big win.

If you do not log in to your personal profile, exclusively free bets in demo versions of slots will be available In this version of the game, it is not allowed to withdraw winnings and activate bonus offers.

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